Microsoft project 2013 change saturday to working day free download.MS Project does not allow me to change working days - Microsoft Community
Microsoft project 2013 change saturday to working day free download.Let's Make Saturday A Working Day (in Microsoft Project)
Dec 10, · i have a project that i created with MS Project and published it in PWA. now i want to change Saturday from non working to working day. i open the project, check it out then i go to Project -> Change working time -> work weeks but the details button is grayed out and i cannot change it. when i try to do this in a new project it works fine.
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Change the working times for each day of a work week. Change a working day into a nonworking day. Occasionally, you may have to turn a working day into a nonworking day. For example, if your organization observes specific days as holidays, you can turn those holidays into nonworking days. Project Server will not schedule work on nonworking days. Dec 10, · i have a project that i created with MS Project and published it in PWA. now i want to change Saturday from non working to working day. i open the project, check it out then i go to Project -> Change working time -> work weeks but the details button is grayed out and i cannot change it. when i try to do this in a new project it works fine.
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